Fenoménom posledných 2-3 rokov sú tzv. moocy. Anglická skratka "MOOC" (čítaj /mu:k/) znamená Massive Open Online Course, teda voľneprístupny online kurz pre veľké masy. Z pohodlia svojej obývačky tak môžete byť súčasťou všelijakých kurzov na svetových prestížnych univerzitách. Vybrať sa dajú napríklad prednášky z histórie, matematiky, fyziky, manažmentu, cudzieho jazyka až po programovanie aplikácií pre iphony. V mnohých prípadoch je všetko úplne zadarmo! Jediné čo potrebujete je znalosť angličtiny, dostatok času a hlavne pevnú vôľu prinútiť sa vybraný kurz aj dokončiť (myslím, že práve tá pevná vôľa je to najdôležitejšie).
Pozrite si v týchto dvoch krátkych videách, ako to vlastne celé funguje:
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- edX (bezplatné kurzy z univerzít ako MIT, Harvard University, UC Berkeley, Kyoto University, Australian National University, University of Queensland, IIT Bombay, Dartmouth College, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Architecture, Art & Culture, Biology & Life Sciences, Business & Management, Chemistry, Communication, Computer Science, Design, Economics & Finance, Education, Electronics, Energy & Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Ethics, Food & Nutrition, Health & Safety, History, Humanities, Law, Literature, Math, Medicine, Music, Philanthropy, Philosophy & Ethics, Physics, Science, Social Sciences, Statistics & Data Analysis)
- Coursera (bezplatné kurzy z univerzít ako University of Maryland, Wharton School, University of Virginia, Stanford University, University of Houston System, University of Tokyo; Arts, Biology & Life Sciences, Business & Management, Chemistry, Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science: Software Engineering, Computer Science: Systems & Security, Computer Science: Theory, Economics & Finance, Education, Energy & Earth Sciences, Engineering, Food and Nutrition, Health & Society, Humanities, Information, Tech & Design, Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Music, Film, and Audio, Physical & Earth Sciences, Physics, Social Sciences, Statistics and Data Analysis, Teacher Professional Development)
- Udacity (platené a bezplatné kurzy z inštitúcií ako Georgia Institute of Technology, San Jose State University, Google, Salesforce, Facebook, Cloudera, Nvidia, Autodesk, Cadence; data science, web development, software engineering, android, iOS, computer science, non-tech classes)
- Future Learn (bezplatné kurzy z univerzít alp University of Birmingham, University of Reading, Open University, Monash University, Trinity College Dublin, Warwick University, University of Bath, University of Southampton; business & management, creative arts & media, health & psychology, history, languages & cultures, law, literature, nature & environment, online & digital, politics & the modern world, science, maths & technology, sport & leisure, teaching & studying)
- Khan Academy (bezplatné kurzy, tento projekt podporujú osoby a spoločnosti ako Salman Khan, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ann and John Doerr, Lemann Foundation, Google; math, science, economics & finance, arts & humanities, computing, test preparation)
- iversity (rôzne bezplatné kurzy z univerzít ako Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, University of Florence, University of Hamburg)
- Open 2 Study (bezplatné kurzy z univerzít ako Central Institute of Technology, Curtin University, Flinders University, Griffith University, The International College of Management Sydney, James Cook University, Jordan University of Science and Technology; education & training, science & technology, marketing & advertising, business, finance, health & medicine, management, arts & humanities)
- Canvas Network (rôzne bezplatné kurzy z univerzít Santa Clara University, University of Utah, Université Lille 1)
- Academic Earth (bezplatné kurzy univerzít UC Berkeley, UCLA, University of Michigan, Oxford University; art & design, business, engineering, humanities, test preparation, social science, science & math, medicine & healthcare)
- France Université Numérique (bezplatné francúzske moocy; Création, arts et design, Cultures et civilisations, Économie, Éducation et formation, Entrepreneuriat, Environnement, Juridique, Langues, Management, Numérique, technologie, Relations internationales, Santé, Sciences, Sciences humaines et sociales)
- MOOEC (kolekcia bezplatných lekcií angličtiny)
- One Month (platené kurzy; Rails, HTML, Growth Hacking, Payment Processing, iOS, Web Security, Javascript, Python, UX, MVP, Programming for Non-Programmers, Content Marketing)
- NovoED (platené aj bezplatné kurzy z univerzít ako Stanford University, Wharton, Princeton, Darden, Comcast, Carnegie Foundation, Universidad Católica de Chile; Entrepreneurship, Finance, Business, Strategy, Education, Design & Creativity, Math & Science, Humanities, Leadership, Social Impact)
- OpenLearning (platené aj bezplatné kurzy; arts and design, business and economics, computer and technology, education, engineering, health and medicine, humanities, language and communication, law, lifestyle, math and science, self improvement, sport and design, other)
- WizIQ (platené kurzy; English Language, Professional Skill Development, Mathematics by Vedic Maths India, Analytics, Leadership, Music Technology by Mike Klinger, Accounting and Finance, Featured Courses, Technology and Programming Online, Big Data, Project Management, Business, Anil Lamba on Finance (Lamcon), Online Language Learning, Lifestyle: Health, Finance, Fashion & Leisure, Music, Musical Instruments & Music Software)
- Eliademy (platené aj bezplatné kurzy; Arts and Design, Business and Law, Education, Humanities, Languages, Life science, Philosophy, Physical science, Social science, Technology, Other, OER)
- Duolingo (bezplatné jazykové kurzy - Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish, Danish, Swedish)
- Memrise (bezplatné kurzy; Languages - English, French, Spanish, Chinese, German, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Russian, Swedish, Arts & Literature, Maths & Science, The Natural World, History & Geography, Memory training, Professional and Careers, Standardized tests, Trivia Entertainment, Native American Languages)
- Tree House (25 USD alebo 49 USD za mesiac; HTML, JavaScript, Design, CSS, WordPress, Ruby, PHP, Business, Android, iOS, Development Tools)
- Codecademy (bezplatné kurzy; Make a Website, Make an Interactive Website, Make a Rails, Application, HTML & CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, PHP)
- Udemy (platené aj bezplatné kurzy; Development, Business, IT & Software, Office Productivity, Personal Development, Design, Marketing, Lifestyle, Photography, Health & Fitness, Teacher Training, Music, Academics, Language, Test Prep)
- Saylor Academy (bezplatné kurzy; Biology, Business Administration, Economics, English, History, Mathematics, Professional Development, Customer Service, PR, Sales, K-12 Math, Chemistry, Communication, Computer Science, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Real World Math, Electives)
- Univerzita pre moderné Slovensko (bezplatný slovenský projekt venovaný ekonomike, za ktorým stojí Ivan Mikloš a pár jeho kamarátov z politiky ...)
Štúdium online sa samozrejme nedá porovnať s riadnym denným vysokoškolským životom a osobným kontaktom s profesormi a spolužiakmi. No pre mnoho ľudí je to jediná možnosť, ako sa vôbec priblížiť k nejakému akademickému svetu. Tak čo poviete, budete sa aj naďalej bezcieľne flákať na sociálnych sieťach alebo sa radšej prihlásite na nejakú virtuálnu univerzitu?